Highly targeted valuable content : try to speak to your target audience with vertical content that is able to respond to their needs;
Carefully selected digital channels : distribute the content you create through the channels that best reach your audience;
Constant alignment between cyprus phone number sales and marketing : ensure that your sales and marketing teams collaborate closely to maximize activities;
Continuous measurement, analysis and optimization : periodically monitor the KPIs defined at the initial stage, making regular operational adjustments to improve results.
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To recap…
Demand generation and performance marketing are strategies oriented by different time horizons.
On the one hand, demand generation takes care of every aspect of the marketing funnel in order to involve all potential customers involved in different phases of the purchasing process , This approach outlines a medium-long term strategy, which may take time to take off.
Conversely, performance marketing operates in a narrow part of the funnel, focusing exclusively on prospects with specific purchasing intent and therefore more easily convertible . An approach of this type configures a short-term strategy , which guarantees immediate results but is not very scalable .
When it comes to choosing between demand generation and performance marketing, demand generation often turns out to be the most effective and cost-effective approach in the long run .