the concept of change management

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the concept of change management

Post by nishat695 »

Although many individuals may naturally know what change management is, they, however, experience some challenges in conveying to others what it really means. Thus, the concept of change management is attached as a Google slideshow. However, in thinking about how to define change management, it is important at this juncture to provide a clear distinction between two related concepts – change management and project management. Below are their similarities and differences.

• Both project management and change management honduras code number support moving an organisation from a current state to a desired or future state. Project management, however, focuses on the tasks required to achieve the project outcomes; whereas change management focuses on the people impacted by the change.

• Both concepts require moving an organisation from point A to point B. Project management outlines it step by step, including the change of processes, systems and/or job roles. Change management, however, outlines the steps needed to help individuals impacted by the change to adopt the new way of doing their jobs.

• Both project and change management are needed every time that processes, systems, organisation structures or job roles are altered. Project management, however, in this instance, would focus on deploying needed resources in a structured manner to implement the given solution, whereas change management would focus on helping each individual impacted by the change to make a successful transition, and grasp what is required by the proposed solution.
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