Executives: Information is summarised and has been defined for them. Users have the ability to view static information online and/or print to a local printer.
Casual Users: Casual users require the next level of detail from the information that is provided to viewers. In addition to the privileges of a viewer, casual users have the ability to refresh report information and the ability to enter desired information parameters for the purposes of performing high-level research and analysis.
Functional Users: Functional users need to perform hungary mobile numbers detailed research and analysis, which requires access to transactional data. In addition to the privileges of a casual user, functional users have the ability to develop their own ad hoc queries and perform OLAP analysis.
Super Users: Superusers have a strong understanding of both the business and technology to access and analyse transactional data. They have full privileges to explore and analyse the data with the BI applications available to them.
Business Intelligence Data Mining
The process of extracting patterns from data. Data mining is becoming an increasingly important tool to transform this data into information. It is commonly used in a wide range of profiling practices, such as marketing, surveillance, fraud detection and scientific discovery.
Business Intelligence Conclusion
Business Intelligence solutions make it possible for groups within organisations to gain actionable insight from business data, and to leverage these insights to meet critical goals.
Business intelligence solutions offer business-focused analysis at a scale, complexity, and speed that is not achievable with basic operational systems reporting or spreadsheet analysis, thereby delivering significant value.