Explain why Essentiall

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Explain why Essentiall

Post by alomgirhossain212 »

y, an insight is a discovery that explains why things happen in a certain way. It should be a concise summary of the observed behavior, including a description of the activity and the why behind it. If you want to increase or change a person's behavior, you need to understand the reason that leads that person to act that way. Only if you can explain why will you be a philippines telegram ble to find the "how."

Look for the motivation. The real reasons for people's behavior are often hidden, so it's not enough to stop at their explanations. Users of a product or service are motivated to change by the problems and tensions that exist in their lives, and which manifest themselves through unresolved needs. To find insights, try to identify the potential customer's tensions in four key areas: physiological, emotional, cognitive and environmental. In short, look for the frustrating aspects of an experience and you will have found the main motivation to change.

Visualize the ideal. Finally, the fifth step to gaining insight is to imagine the ideal end state or situation that the consumer is looking for. Don't focus on describing the solution, but rather the way the user would like to feel, their ideal experience. A very useful trick is to literally put yourself in the user's shoes and start by saying: "I would love it if there were..." and then describe this ideal situation from their perspective.


How to properly express your insight
The steps above are enough to properly analyze the problem and solution, but one important detail is still missing: the language you use to express your insight and get others to share your vision.

A well-expressed insight will enable design and innovation teams to develop truly interesting and competitive products and services. To achieve this, it is recommended to structure your insight in three sentences:

Describe the current situation and user behavior. "I like to play musi
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