If you have dropped, it may be due to two reasons:
Own fault
Improving competition
The first thing you should do is check if you are having issues with your website . If you are only having issues with a single URL, then you are likely to be fine.
In that case, it is possible that the competing pages have more authority than yours . In addition, Google denigrates and lowers the position of posts that are older, so it is important to update them with fresh content and link to it on new sites.
Luis Villanueva:
For Luis, and based on his experience, these types of URLs lose mobile number korea positions because they end up reaching lower levels of depth on the web , they are updated less and less and end up having less relevance.
To avoid this type of situation, it is necessary to generate a better website structure , new links and improve the internal linking that points to this page.
MJ Cachón:
MJ has been observing that the results pages increasingly have more elements added by Google such as: Rich Snippets, Featured Snippets, Maps, Universal Search...etc. that can attract a large number of clicks and cause you to lose CTR even if you have a similar position and, as a result, think that you have lost positioning.
What is the most difficult thing about an SEO project today?
Giannella Ligato:
For Giannella, the most difficult thing in SEO projects is to eliminate the tendency of clients to focus on immediacy . Making a client see that SEO is not achieved overnight, but rather requires a process and a maturity that other online marketing tools do not have.
Luis Villanueva:
For Luis Villanueva, the most difficult thing to manage is Linkbuilding , since it is something foreign and cannot be controlled. Sometimes a strategy can work in one sector, but not in others. The rest you can measure, correct and learn from.
For Chuiso, it depends on the type of project you want to carry out:
If we talk about small projects like creating a website and monetizing it with Adsense, the difficult thing is to find the niche that is not too exploited and is worth working on.
When it comes to large projects , the most difficult thing for him is to know how to organize the web architecture and create internal links. Sometimes an architecture that is ideal for users may not be good for Google.