Remote leadership: what it is and how it works, check it out!

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Remote leadership: what it is and how it works, check it out!

Post by bitheerani319 »

Remote Leadership is a model that has been increasingly requested in companies, even more so with the increase in adherence to hybrid and/or online work — becoming practically a necessity in many cases.

However, there are some precautions that managers should take when relying on professionals working from home. Learn more about them by discovering how remote leadership works!

What you will see in this article:

Remote Work: More than a Trend
What is Remote Leadership?
How does Remote Leadership work?
Remote Work: More than a Trend

Remote work is here to stay: with the demands of the COVID-19 pandemic california realtors email list the approval of specific legislation for so-called telework, this model has been increasingly accepted — and preferred — by companies and professionals. This is due to several reasons:

Greater flexibility in working hours;
Avoid spending time, effort and money on transport — whether public or private;
Possibility of greater balance between personal and professional life;
Greater convenience in working from home;
Possibility of working anywhere — including abroad;
Possibility of counting on talents that do not live in the same region as the company;
Saving resources, cutting expenses such as rent for physical space, electricity, water, among others;
Greater employee engagement ;
Between others.
Depending on the profile of the company and the professionals, at least a hybrid regime is adopted — with employees meeting in person on some days of the week —, taking advantage of a little of each work model.

However, whether hybrid or completely remote, some issues remain relevant regardless of the style adopted: it is necessary to continue monitoring the work of professionals, discovering ways to extract the best from each talent and engage them on a daily basis.
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