Provide customers with benefits for signing up for and participating in your loyalty program. There are different ways to reward your loyalty program members, here are a few:
Early access to new products
Free shipping
Special offers
Rewards for a certain number of points
All these rewards should be easily accessible, no matter where your loyalty program is located: in the app or on the company's website. Moreover, the better the reward, the more information about customers you will receive in return. Most customers, as a rule, prefer cash rewards, in second place are products and services as a gift, and in third place are discounts and coupons. Then comes the bonus program, personal offers, exclusive products and personal recommendations.
For visitors, all these offers are considered a singapore phone number library pleasant bonus and an incentive to visit you more often, and for your business this is:
increase in revenue
communication with clients
collecting customer data for analysis.
It is important to understand that it is not necessary to give customers points or a fixed discount. The offer of percentages is difficult for the human brain to transform into something pleasant. But a gift in the form of, for example, a croissant or a cup of coffee immediately evokes positive emotions. Such a gift can be anything. In a beauty salon, for example, these can be samples of skin care cosmetics or moisturizing masks.
Remember that a loyalty program is a barter: the client gives the business their data and permission to communicate, in return they receive pleasant bonuses and offers from the business. And these do not necessarily have to be points and discounts.
Instead of points and discounts, you can use a privilege club, in which loyalty program participants receive special offers. For example: "A croissant as a gift with any drink on Tuesdays." In such loyalty programs, two types of promotions can be used:
1. regular - for example, on Tuesdays
2. temporary , which businesses come up with according to the situation: depending on the level of demand or tasks. For example, to increase occupancy during unpopular hours, you can create a promotion that runs from 15:00 to 17:00.