When you rent a car, a friendly agent will likely ask you if you’d like to add on insurance coverage. If you have your own car insurance policy, you don’t really need to add this extra that tends to cost $15 to $25 more per day.
You may additionally be covered by your credit card. You’ll need to check your credit card agreement, but in the fine print, you may discover you have additional coverage when you use that card to rent a vehicle.
However, that coverage will vary, so you will want to find out australia whatsapp number data what exactly is covered. Naturally, you hope that you will never have to rely on it.
Why Would I Need Credit Card Insurance Coverage?
Credit card insurance coverage can be helpful for rental cars for several reasons. For one, if you have accidentally lapsed your own auto insurance payment, you will have coverage in the event of a crash with that rental car.
For another, you can cover any remaining costs that aren’t covered by your own policy. Some cards will even cover the damage directly without you needing to involve your own auto insurer. If you’re covered, the credit card company could take on the loss of the vehicle, and it may even do so without any deductible or additional fees.
Again, this will depend on the type of coverage you have through your credit card insurance. Prior to renting a vehicle, it’s a wise move to call your credit card company and make sure you understand the coverage available to you on rental cars.