Teamup Calendar is a simple digital calendar sharing app that simplifies and streamlines your team’s communication . Used by thousands of small and large teams, this Google Calendar alternative organizes people, resources , and events on kuwait number data one page. You can customize Teamup Calendar to suit your or your team’s preferences. This organization and planning app is simple, secure, and scalable. This organization and planning app allows users to share plans, events, schedules, and status updates. You get full visibility into who is doing what on your team, plus autonomy by creating customized calendar access for individuals and groups.
Scalable subcalendars and color-coded folders
11 types of calendar, year and table
9 levels of access permissions
Assigning one event to multiple calendars
Adjustable calendar resolution
Custom fields for text, options, numbers
Exchange via links
Full and reliable time zone support
Separate event page with sharing capabilities