This is because – let us remember – sometimes a person, even more than an object, acquires a status, a change or an ideal that he would like to achieve. 5. Testimonials Another very important aspect when you want to create effective landing pages is that of reviews (social proof). Today we are surrounded by reviews , everyone reviews everything and every item has stars, dots or diamonds that allow users to rate it. If we have them, inserting valuable, real, credible reviews is essential to give the guest the opportunity to inform themselves through the words of others who have already tried the product or service.
A tip, in case you're short on reviews: If you don't have cambodia number data any, let some micro influencers or interested users try your product/service for free in exchange for reviews, so you will have real reviews and you can also collect some useful feedback to improve what you are offering on the market. 6. Details and features When visitors land on your landing page, they have a very vague understanding of what your product does and how it actually works.
You can think of this section as a product demonstration or user education exercise . People like to see how things work, and it’s a great way to wow potential customers with your product or creative solution. You can also do this by using user-generated content (UGC) themselves , for example a video of a user explaining how to use the product is usually much more attractive than many other “glossy” ways to present it. 7.