Content plan - Search intent buyer journey

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Content plan - Search intent buyer journey

Post by Md5656se »

Navigational: The user is searching for a specific website or site. The search often includes the name of a brand, product, or service (e.g., “SEMrush Site Audit”). Navigational keywords can indicate that the user is in the consideration phase, as they want to learn more about specific products or services.

Commercial: The user is considering a purchase and wants to research their options. The search may include product modifiers such as “best,” “cheapest,” “top,” or “review,” (e.g., “best SEO tool”). Commercial keywords may indicate that the user is in the consideration phase, comparing several products with the intent to purchase one.

Transactional: The user wants to buy something. The search may contai sample cell phone number in philippines n words like “buy”, “price”, “coupon”, etc. (e.g. “SEMrush subscription plans”). Transactional keywords usually indicate that the user is in the decision stage, so they are ready to purchase a product.

Identify the search intent for your keywords
To identify the search intent for your own keyword list, check the modifiers for each keyword as I discussed in the previous section (e.g. “how to,” “review,” “price”) and, if needed, enter the keyword into the Google search bar to check the SERP features.

For example:

Featured snippets may indicate informative intent.

People asking questions can also indicate an informative intent.


Links to a site may indicate navigational intent.

Google Ads may indicate commercial or transactional intent.

Google Shopping ads can indicate commercial or transactional intent.

Now you should decide how to deal with keywords on your list that fall outside of your blog's purpose, such as making sure navigational keywords point to category pages or transactional keywords point to product pages.

What to do next?
Refer to the infographic above to identify the search intent for each keyword in your listing and label it with the appropriate consumer journey stage.

Content plan - Data source table intent
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