Information requirements in competitive intelligence

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Information requirements in competitive intelligence

Post by maksudasm »

The quality of information in the context of competitive intelligence is determined by its actual compliance with the objectives set by the customer. This is a subjective parameter, since the value of information depends on the specific needs and strategic objectives of the company.

It is important to understand that the long-term nature of the intelligence process can impact the value of the data obtained. For example, even if Bank A is currently of no interest to the company due to a lack of corporate contacts, systematically collecting information about it can be extremely important.

These data will allow the rich people data package company to operate not only with financial information in the future, but also to have a "historical" perspective on the bank's work. Such information may be a key factor in making a decision on cooperation with it, if such an opportunity arises.

Important characteristics of information quality that play a major role in competitive intelligence and in many other contexts:

Reliability. That is, the degree of correspondence of information to the original source or the accuracy of data transmission. Reliable information is similar to real events and facts.

Objectivity. A measure of the reflection of the reality of information, it implies the purification of information from distortions, such as inaccuracies in transmission or subjective distortions. However, it is necessary to remember that emasculated information is not always suitable for use, since it may be deprived of emotional coloring and other important aspects.

Unambiguity. A property of information when there is no possibility of multiple interpretations. Information must be clear and understandable.

Source credibility. The degree of trust in the source of information. It is important to understand that information can lose objectivity and accuracy when passing through different sources, and therefore it is necessary to carefully evaluate both sources and informants.

Order. The number of links between the primary source of information and the end user. Information received directly from the primary source is considered first-order information. As the number of links increases, so does the uncertainty and risk of information distortion.

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Quantitative characteristics of information quality in the context of competitive intelligence
Completeness of information. The characteristic reflects the degree to which the obtained data and information correspond to the set goals of competitive intelligence. Completeness of information means the absence of "information holes" in the obtained data. For example, if information is simply taken out of context, it may be incomplete. Completeness of information helps to ensure that all necessary data is taken into account.

Relevance of information. This characteristic determines how close the information is to the essence of the issue or how it corresponds to the tasks of competitive intelligence. It is reflected in quantitative terms and indicates the share of useful information in the total volume of information received. Relevance of information allows you to focus on the most important and relevant data, filtering out secondary data.
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