Often, KAMs seem to know about the importance of working with the client's needs, but in practice they do not understand the system of consumer motivation and are rarely interested in it. They do not know what clients receive bonuses for and do not offer their help in achieving these goals.
The company does not understand (or does not want to understand) the important needs of its strategic customers
Source: shutterstock.com
The situation is even worse teacher database with organizational needs. Specialists very rarely think about how to help the client's business become more profitable, overtake competitors, achieve set goals and strengthen positions in the market.
Instead of understanding the client's needs, key account managers often operate with vague ideas that have nothing to do with reality.
The company doesn't know what competitors are offering
Often, companies do not have information about competitors’ offers, and their attitude towards them is emotional and fluctuates between two extremes:
“We are the best!” is an illusion of superiority fueled by management that often serves as a kind of “drug” for managers, dulling their critical thinking and turning them into “zombies.”
“We are the worst!” is a convenient position for rationalizing one’s own failures and shifting responsibility.
Both approaches are far from reality and hinder development. An effective solution is to conduct a group competitive analysis, which will allow you to assess the real situation on the market and develop an adequate strategy.
Download a useful document on the topic:
Checklist: How to Achieve Your Goals in Negotiations with Clients
Frequently asked questions about key account manager
Interacting with key clients is more than just a job.
Where to look for KAM: within the company or among external candidates?
Of course, it is much more effective to train a KAM within the company. After all, such an employee is well acquainted with the specifics of the product and all the intricacies of the organization's work. Most companies adhere to this strategy.
If you are looking for a key account manager on the external market, pay attention to candidates for the position with extensive experience of working "in the fields", in retail outlets and directly with key clients. Ideally, the candidate should go through all the steps of the career ladder: from merchandiser to manager.
KAM - salesperson or analyst?
KAM is, of course, first and foremost a sales specialist. But it is important to remember that it is important for such a manager to have an analytical mindset. The specialist begins by studying the market, assessing opportunities and drawing up a plan. The more deeply the market and the client are analyzed, the higher the probability of interest in your offer. It is important that a specialist working with key consumers can anticipate potential difficulties and quickly respond to them.