Content usage analysis

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Content usage analysis

Post by shaownhasan »

This number of users is different from the number of unique users. In the case of unique users, access from different devices is counted, but they can be distinguished by using the User-ID linked to Google Analytics.

By using Google Analytics, you can understand how logged-in users are using content. By using this function, you can understand and analyze how content is being used by logged-in and non-logged-in users separately.

Since content usage often differs depending on whether or not a user is logged in, vp it email list this can be used to gain a more accurate understanding of usage.

Access to reporting features and more
Setting a User-ID gives you access to various report functions such as report view and cross-device report. In the report view, only data linked to the User-ID is displayed, so it can be used when you want to accurately grasp the characteristics of user activity.

Additionally, the Cross Device report allows you to analyze how users interact with content on multiple devices.
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