Currently, most content creators, whether they are influencers, bloggers, YouTubers... with so many thousands of subscri

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Currently, most content creators, whether they are influencers, bloggers, YouTubers... with so many thousands of subscri

Post by Md5656se »

If a Ferrari is not suitable for everyone's pocket, AdSense is not suitable for all websites, so it does not always make sense to implement it and now I will tell you why.

If content isn't king, forget about AdSense

Your target audience loves quality content.

In fact, it's not just your audience, Google loves it too and knows when your visitors have liked or disliked one of your articles or videos.

If you create high-value content for your audience, it will be much easier for it to rank well in Google's search results and for your website or videos to get organic (i.e. non-paid) traffic.

What is Google AdSense - Types of results
If your content is not good enough to retain your visitors and you add ads through AdSense, you will only hinder their experience and cause them to leave your website within a few seconds.

Now you might be asking yourself, “What do I have to lose if I’m generating opportunities for ad clicks, even if it’s just accidentally?”

The answer is: “Your positioning on Google and the possibility of obtaining free traffic.”

Google can measure the number of users who have visited your website and then left it without interacting with it, using the bounce rate.

If your bounce rate is too high, Google will penalize your site with a lower position in its search results rankings.

On the other hand, if you manage to engage your visitors with your content and get them to watch more than one post or more than one video, Google will reward you by positioning you higher in its search results rankings.

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ADS illustration
The type of content determines profitability
While it is possible to monetize almost any type of content – ​​except those that violate Google’s publisher policies, of course – there are some niches that generate more money per click or view.

As popular YouTuber Marina Mogilko stated in an interview with Business Insider, advertisers pay more to have their ads shown on educational and business-related videos on YouTube.

Mogilko revealed that her business channel, “Silicon Valley Girl,” despite having fewer subscribers than her other two channels, generates much more per view.

What is Google AdSense - Marina Mogilko
On the other hand, in the case of websites, there are also sectors in which there is more competition between advertisers who use Google Ads.

This means that they end up paying more per click to have their ads displayed on pages whose themes match those they define when segmenting their campaigns.

For example, according to data from WordStream's study of the average cost per click by industry on the Google Display Network – this network includes websites, apps and sites that use AdSense – we can see that the 3 sectors that pay the most per click are, in first place (and by a long way), dating ($1.49), in second place, finance and insurance ($0.86) and third, consumer services ($0.81).

Given this data, if you as a website owner create content related to these more competitive industries, you will likely earn more with AdSense with a lower number of clicks or impressions.

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To get the most value from AdSense ads, you need to know what types of ads are most popular with advertisers and where to place them.

However, to avoid offering a bad experience to your visitors and losing positions in Google, it is equally or more important to know which formats you should avoid and where you should NOT put them.

While it may seem like the more ad slots you add, the more click opportunities you'll generate and the more you can earn with AdSense, the opposite can actually happen.

If you overwhelm your visitors with too many ads, they will most likely leave your website or use an ad blocker – a study by GlobalWebIndex shows that 48% of users use ad blockers because they are shown too many ads or because the ads are irrelevant.

Remember that Google values ​​the engagement rate – when your visitors browse your website – and penalizes the bounce rate – when your visitors enter and then leave your page, so avoid having ads as the main focus on your web pages or videos.

A study by Better Ad Standards concludes that the ad density on your website should not exceed 30% of the page content.

It's about choosing the type of ad that is the least intrusive , that is, the one that least interferes with the navigation or consumption of the content on your page or video, to avoid frustrating your visitors.


On the other hand, you should place them at the top of the page or video to make sure your visitors see them.

As Barbu, another successful YouTuber, said in an interview with Business Insider, “You have to place ads before viewers typically drop off,” a fact you can check in your YouTube creator dashboard.
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