3 Lightspeed Analytics Reports That Will Optimize Your Online Sales

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3 Lightspeed Analytics Reports That Will Optimize Your Online Sales

Post by shahriya699 »

If you are reading this article, it is probably because you want to improve the results of your online store.

Good news: we offer you some solutions here that will undoubtedly help you.

Whether you are new to online sales or already have your own e-store, you need concrete information above all to ensure the growth of your online store.

Lightspeed Analytics e-commerce reports
These reports will allow you to gain deeper insights into your physical and/or online store sales, as well as identify unique trends for the sales channel in question – such as how your sales are changing and which qatar cell phone number regions are generating the most activity.

Here are the three Lightspeed Analytics e-commerce reports that we suggest you use to exploit the full potential of your online store:

Average Basket Size Report
Report on the evolution of e-commerce sales
E-commerce sales report by day of the week
A clarification, before we begin…

To really improve the performance of your online store, enable the is_eCom (“is e-commerce”) sales dimension . Here’s how to do it:

Launch the report you selected.
Under the Sales header , look for the is_eCom dimension .
Select filter or pivot as needed.
Activating this dimension opens up a whole universe of new possibilities for developing your online activities.

1. Average Basket Size Report
Average Cart Size is a measure of the average number of items sold per purchase. Without adding any additional filters, the Average Cart Size report gives you the average of all your activities. If you enable the is_eCom sales dimension , you can see the average for your physical store and your online store, independently of each other.

The benefits of this report
How should you position your products and your upgrades for your e-commerce customers? Do your customers buy more or less online or in-store?

Your average basket size report gives you a baseline of how your different sales channels are performing relative to each other; it’s a vital indicator test for your business. You should run it regularly—every quarter, for example—even if you think you already know the answers.

How to access the Average Basket Size report
To access your Average Basket Size report, follow these five steps:

In Lightspeed Analytics, go to your Sales and inventory reports .
Launch the Recent Sales report .
In the Sale Completed Date filter , expand the selection to the last three months.
Find the is_eCom dimension and add it as a pivot. Under the Measures dimension, you will find a Basket Size measure : add that as well.
Click Run at the top right, to generate the report including your new variables.
Editor's Note: You can find a step-by-step walkthrough for this report in our detailed community post , which explains how to run an Average Basket Size report.

In the example below, we ran the report for the period August through October 2019. The light blue column represents the average cart size for our physical store and the dark blue column represents the average cart size for our online store.


Our report shows us that the average basket size of our online store is slightly larger than that of our physical store.

How may we use this information?

We can think about the strategy we’re following for our physical store. Are our sales associates offering the right products to customers? Maybe we need to create more attractive checkout displays or review the store’s merchandising. Our Average Basket Size report shows us where the opportunities lie.

Also read: 11 tips to increase your retail sales

2. Report on the evolution of e-commerce sales
This report provides you with a global overview of your sales. You can use it to see the sales results of your online store compared to your physical store.

The benefits of this report
This report lets you know if your online store sales are increasing, stagnating, or decreasing, compared to your physical store sales. With this information, you can take action and determine the origins of your sales growth, stagnation, or decline.
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