Key phrases

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Key phrases

Post by rakib432 »

Key phrases are a targeting method that allows the advertiser to reach users who enter these phrases. All phrases can be segmented into categories:

Commercial. Phrases with the words buy, order, accurate mobile phone number list wholesale, price. They are the most convertible, since they are entered by users who already know what product they need and want to make a purchase. This is the most heated audience on the Internet, for which all advertisers are fighting. This means that the cost per click on such phrases will be the highest due to high competition. Be sure to launch search campaigns for commercial phrases, but do not overpay more than you can afford.

Problematic. Any product or service is created to solve a problem. Accordingly, before starting to search for a specific product, a person must face this problem, he must have a need for what you sell. And if the user does not know about your product, then, most likely, he will first go to the Internet with the question "How?": "How to clean a washing machine?", "How to lose weight?", "How to congratulate colleagues on March 8?" If you are ready to offer a solution, it is worth setting up advertising for these phrases. The competition for them is lower, which means the cost per click will be lower.

Informational and general. Such queries may not directly relate to your product or service. For example, if you provide an apartment renovation service, you may be interested in the query "Ideas for renovating a one-room apartment of 38 sq. m." This is the coldest audience that is not looking for a specific product or solution to a problem, but certain triggers in the queries make it clear that we can be useful to them, and they are interesting to us. For such phrases, the click price may be minimal, but the conversion will be appropriate.


There is also a misconception that the frequency of a search query directly affects the price of a click on it. In fact, it does not matter what the predicted frequency of a query is, only the competition for it is important. So a high-frequency keyword that is rarely used by anyone may cost less than a competitive low-frequency keyword.

In fact, it doesn't matter what the expected frequency of a query is, only the competition for it is important

It is important to remember that Yandex. Direct and Google Ads show estimated bids for exact matches of the key phrase and search query. Therefore, for effective campaign management, it is worth collecting a large enough semantic core to see current bids for phrases of different frequencies with longer "tails".
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