What is YouTube Analytics organized by?

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What is YouTube Analytics organized by?

Post by Irfanabdulla1111 »

Once inside the platform you have a total of four sections , which are:

Reaching out to viewers.
Interest of the spectators.
Grow your audience.
And that is what we are going to see point by point.

Always keep in mind that, at the top right, you can always change the date range for which you want the data to be displayed.

But have you stopped to think about why this classification by tabs?

The first of them, "Overview", is nothing more than a generic summary, as is usually the case with other statistics and reporting platforms.

However, the other three follow a specific path:

Reaching viewers is all about how your work is displayed within YouTube.
Viewer engagement is based on what your viewers do within your videos.
Finally, to increase your audience you need to know what the people who see you are like so you can reach a larger number of them.
That said, let's get on with it step by step.

Step 1 - Overview Tab
As expected, this tab shows us a summary of the most interesting things that are happening in our account.

There are three main blocks :

Charts for minutes watched, total views, and how many subscribers you've gained.
Your top videos.
The most recent activity.
Don't worry, we'll go one by one.

The graphs show you, per day and in the range of days you want, on the one hand, the minutes that have been viewed, on the other hand, the total number of views of any of your broadcasts and, finally, the number of new subscribers (positive or negative), during the period.

It looks like this:

YouTube analytics - Charts overview
As you can see, it's super intuitive and pretty self-explanatory, right?

Just one detail, so you don't get confused.

The number of views (the second metric you see) is the number of times your recordings have been viewed, while the first metric, watch time, is the overall minutes.

This is very important because one of the key factors for positioning on YouTube is viewing minutes, so keep this in mind.

Below that is another stats square called “Top Videos,” and of course, it shows you the five posts with the most watch time (not views) over the entire date range.

It looks like this:

YouTube analytics - Top videos
And, if you click on "see more", it shows you a broader list, with all your works.

Finally, within the "Overview" tab, you have another box called "Most Recent Activity," which shows the email database lists canada broadcasts with the most views in the last 48 hours or the last 60 minutes, and is used to see instant virality.

YouTube analytics - Recent video activity
And with this we would have the main tab covered, let's move on to the next one.
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