Marital and civil partnership status by Age

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Marital and civil partnership status by Age

Post by asimj1 »

Figure Cross table of Age by Sex for local authorities

As you can see from the example above, we have another table which contains data for Age by Sex, however this time it has data to a finer granularity in terms of areas covered as it has data at the local authority level. Again, we can use the table title to help us to work out what codelists this table contains. As we have a single codelist for Age we can then apply the codes that we created earlier when we described table P01 for Age and also for Sex. The implication of the decisions that we made vietnam rcs data is that we have now grouped the data from Tables P01 and P05 together (as they are described using the same set of codelists and codes). This means that our users can pick Age by Sex and see all the data in one place.

As we continue to process additional tables, our working model for the description of the data changes and evolves. Assumptions we have made based on the data we have processed so far may change and we would then need to work back through the data tables previously described to check that the proposed changes don’t end up misrepresenting the data.

Figure :

So for the table above we would have a Marital and Civil Partnership status codelist, but as we describe the universe we would add 16 and over to the Age codelist.
Living arrangements by Age by Resident type

Again, if the labels (codes) for each age listed are not present in the Age codelist, we would add them. This codelist also looks like it could be hierarchical as there is a label of 0 – 4 followed by rows showing 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. We would define this relationship, this would then alter our working model of how this data is described, because based on the name of the codelist listed in the table title it should only contain single ages. At this point we would need to make a value judgement between describing the data as listed versus the utility of having a single codelist for the Age variable; In InFuse we decided to err on the utility side, so we have a single codelist for Age.
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