This is the most commonly used option

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This is the most commonly used option

Post by pappu6321 »

This is the quickest and easiest way to start running ads on your website. If you don't have the time or patience to set up your ad units, this option is for you.

Ad units
as it allows us to have personalized control over the ad placements on our website. If you want to test and see how each type of placement responds, this option could be yours.

I won't go into further detail on this point because the idea of ​​this post is to show the tool's interface, but if you want to know more about these two options, click here.

And we begin by breaking down the tool from the inside, so that mobile database collection uae can better understand its main features.

1474037288_tablet-chartGoogle Adsense main interface
This is the platform interface from which I will break down the points that I believe are most important, since it is a very comprehensive tool:

google adsense interface (1)

As we can see, it is quite simple and easy to understand. On the left side, it shows the main menu with my ads, reports, settings, etc. And on the right side, the information that we decide we want to see through graphs and reports.

1) Home Page
This is the first option that the platform shows us, always with the “Estimated income” according to the period we have selected (today, last 7 days, this month, etc.) and the “Current balance” and the last payment.


In the drop-down menu (…points) that appears on all screens we can:

drop-down menu

See report
Set up
Send feedback
Below you'll find all the other screens with graphs, reports that give you a lot of data about how the ads are performing on your website. You can configure these screens according to what you want to see most (performance, websites, ad units, optimization, countries, platforms, bid types, etc.). To customize your main screen, just use the pin pushpin and pin the screens you want to see first.

2) My ads
Here we have a section separated by 4 submenus (Content, Search, Ad Styles and Other Products).
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