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Yesica Ronzón: Can you schedule posts on Twitter?

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:42 am
by pappu6321
Facebook Ads
Jesica Ronzón: If I didn't spend all the money from the Facebook campaign, can I use it for another campaign, or is it just not charged? How often can I be billed?

Elena : I would say that you simply don't get charged if you haven't spent it on that campaign. Every campaign has a budget and if you haven't used it up, you won't be charged. As for when you get charged, in Google's case it would be once a month, that's when they charge you. In Facebook's case, you pay when you use up the campaign budget.

Scheduling on Twitter14. Schedule on Twitter

Elena : Yes, of course. As Ernesto mentioned before, regarding his favorite tools, for example, TweetDeck , Buffer and also Hootsuite come to mind right now .

Linkedin Advertising15. Advertising on Linkedin
Nano Lamberti: Do you recommend running campaigns on Linkedin to mobile directory a B2B service? Or are they too expensive for the results they currently produce? Do you have any examples of success?

Elena : Yes, I can tell you that they are the most expensive, comparing Facebook, Twitter and Adwords a little. And it is true that many people are afraid or reluctant to do campaigns on Linkedin. But well, I also tell you that if it is Business to Business and this is a course for companies or a business that has to do with different partners, clients, companies in that environment, then yes, it may be of interest to you.

What I would recommend is that you experiment, because that's what works in advertising. So you could do something very interesting and allocate the same budget, for example, to Linkedin, Twitter (if you have a presence there) and Google Adwords. The same budget for the same dates and compare which platform you have achieved the highest conversions on. That's the idea that occurs to me.

Facebook profile and fan page fusion16. Merger between a profile and a Fan Page
Sarawi Macius: When merging a company profile and its fan page, four years of posts have disappeared despite having followed the steps outlined by Facebook. Do you know of any way to recover this?

Alicia : Well, Elena already mentioned it a little earlier. We are very sorry, Saharawi, but you will not be able to recover that. Once you merge a profile and a fan page, there is no turning back. And for the next time, what we do recommend is what Elena mentioned before: you can download that information, the information of the profile that you are going to delete, download it before doing the merge, create a file and in some way, at least, keep all that content that you had in your profile.

Social Media Presence17. Presence on Social Networks
Sarawi Macius: We all know that not every company should be on every network. Do you have any magic formula to convince “we have to be everywhere” type customers that this is not the case?

Alicia : You've hit the nail on the head with a very difficult question. I would say to the company, are you willing to waste time, money, effort and creativity? Because if so, go ahead and have a profile on all the social networks. But if you're not willing to do that, it's best to only have a presence on those networks that will allow you to really connect with your users and your target audience.

Bruno : That is the classic mistake we have heard all our lives, “social networks are free, so why not be on all of them?” No, social networks are time-consuming. And to do things right we need time and an investment from the company. If we are going to be there just for the sake of it, except for a few situations that might arise, it is better not to be there.

Fernando : Before making those kinds of decisions, they should first analyze where their target audience is and where it will really be worth it or where they will get a return on their investment of time and resources.