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Yes, there is such a thing as "Stupid marketing"

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:55 am
by RafiRiFat336205
We, some professionals, insist on preaching and working with companies for a marketing that transcends, that focuses on satisfying customers, that does not try to deceive, but convinces, focused on the customer and supported by a value offer that solves the problems or needs and desires of the customer. We call that marketing? while, in other companies, from other professionals, the same concept is talked about, but with such important differences that we could almost say that we are not talking about the same thing.

Yes, stupid marketing exists (or at least that's what I call it) and as I said in the introduction, it is much more common than we think. But what characterizes this type of marketing? Well, it has very identifying signs that define it:

Appearance is always more important than content
"Effectiveness" is the aim of this type of all india whatsapp number list marketing. It involves using very salient stimuli that only attract attention in words, messages, colours, shapes, videos... it can take any format, but the important thing is always the effect to capture attention, to promote virality, even if it is for aspects that are not always good for the brand.
The focus is on what is shown, not on the client's needs.
The KPI that defines your success is the sales, likes, shares, those you intend to reach in any way
The offer is manipulated (in the worst sense of the concept) to sell it, not to win over the client
The motto is "make what you sell look interesting, even if it isn't, dress it up"
It uses very striking effects that usually hide a lot of lies, but where the only intention is to sell the product.
Their strategy is to focus on making the product more attractive to the customer than it is in order to sell, not to build loyalty.
Their mission ends when the product is sold, they have no perspective beyond that.
Lies, half-truths or augmented half-truths are valid tools for the mission.
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These are the characteristics that define stupid marketing, and which of course is used or located in certain organizations and/or professionals. Using it and putting it on the market, this stupid marketing, involves:

A short-term business vision
It is an expression of attachment to product-centrism
The customer is not the goal, but their money
The brand concept doesn't matter
Of course loyalty is for other companies and brands
Widely used by "professionals" with little talent for efficient marketing
It is the type of marketing that is most often used when you do not know exactly what marketing is and what it entails.
Very common in SMEs (mainly, although we can find examples in larger companies) that leave marketing in the hands of neophytes on the subject.
This type of marketing often leads to cold calling systems.
In stupid marketing campaigns, the success of the campaign is determined by the volume of sales obtained, without taking into account the harmful sales generated , or the level of economic and commercial profitability. In monitoring, only the quantitative aspects (likes, visits, shares, etc.) are taken as relevant and not how that data was obtained.
The customer and their satisfaction are not taken into account in this way of understanding marketing.
Likewise, I must say that stupid marketing has its level of success in what it aims for, which as I mentioned is how much is sold, without taking into account any other parameter, which is why it is usually used with certain targets, such as uninformed people, public very prone to impulsive buying, over-supply with very little differentiation, without much added value, in poorly differentiated consumer products, in massified and poorly defined markets, markets with little tradition of marketing of another type, for clients predisposed to what is outstanding, etc.

Stupid marketing, professionals or people who know about marketing, will clearly identify it, because it is characterized by something that is believing that the client will buy what most attracts his attention, not what is most interesting for his situation. It is the ultimate expression of contempt for the client, because it uses stupid marketing assuming that its client is the same.