The conditions of ubiquity of the digital world shifted the center of attention to a new protagonist: the Peer"...and continues "By Ubiquity we refer to the quality of being present everywhere at the same time, which is what the Internet allows."
From my point of view , the 4Ps are still valid, especially for big brands. It happens that human beings, and let's not forget that a Peer is a being of flesh and blood. Peers are us, and that person and the person next to us. And people of flesh and blood love to talk, we love to tell stories about everything we do and especially about what excites us, and almost always buying excites us.
And here is the key: we talk to people, even better if they are friends. We trust our friends, they are our Peer, our Pair, we live in a World of Peers and if that Peer recommends us to do something, buy something or criticize something, we believe them, we trust them.
That's where Brands and Companies lose...or Win depending all mobile number list on how capable they are of getting down to earth, talking to us like the old neighborhood grocer did, managing to be seen as a peer to take advantage of the most powerful marketing tool in the history of humanity: the recommendation of a friend, of a Peer. How do we transform a Peer into a friend and that friend into a client? How do we get them to go from indifference to commitment and from there to action? That's the great challenge. Like any relationship, this one must be based on emotion and value. Are you talking? Is there emotionality in that conversation? If so, we have a committed friend. Now you must get them to go from that commitment to action, to purchase.
Here we enter another area, the only one where a commercial transaction takes place: trust. If you are constant in the conversation you will achieve familiarity, familiarity generates trust and trust propitiates or prepares the ground for the sale. Nothing different from what happens in real life, because remember, your Peer is that one and you are also a Peer for the other.
We live in a world of peers , we have the power, and that power is achieved through conversation, like in a circle of friends: listening, interacting, getting excited and adding value, not by getting up on stage to shout how wonderful your product, your brand or yourself is. Leave that to the companies, which ultimately have millions to lose.
In their book "The Horizontal Revolution" Gonzalo Alonso and Alberto Arebalos express
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