We could talk about our years as experts in training for employment , we could refer to the more than 400,000 students trained throughout our history or the more than 1,200 courses we have successfully taught. However, we will leave the numbers aside: we will talk about facts and what we offer you.
Femxa Group is “a training company focused on increasing the competitiveness of organizations, the employability and qualification of people, whether they are workers or unemployed.”
We want to contribute to improving our society and we want to achieve this through training. We train for employability and our mission is to ensure that every day we have more qualified people for a job.
Throughout our career we have trained a large number of students of all ages, workers, unemployed, immigrants, people with disabilities... in other words, all kinds of people, there is no room for discrimination.
Students trained with Grupo Femxa
As a student, we offer you various services: placement agency, training, being informed at all times and solutions. Below we will break down everything that these services cover:
As you can see in our dictionary , the purpose of a placement agency is to provide work to unemployed people. At Grupo Femxa we are committed to improving the employability, qualification and professional integration of those people who are looking for work, and above all, of those people who have not yet found their first job. We have placement agency services for both companies and individuals.
In addition to free and paid courses, we offer other types of training and solutions to your problems, in which we become your ideal partner, to build together solutions and experiences linked to training that efficiently facilitate the development and growth of people and organizations.
Tailor-made training : there are companies that have specific training needs. In this case, you can tell us what knowledge you have, your availability and what you want to achieve, so that together we can build the solution that best suits you. This training ranges from a simple adaptation of a catalogue course to a more complex solution where customised content is worked on and technological tools are adapted to the corporate environment. This training is given in the company itself, so that you work with your usual tools and everything is correctly configured. We make you a proposal and you decide if it is what you are looking for. If you want more information, click here .
Subsidised training : this is a type of training offered by companies to their employees. The amount that companies can allocate for these actions (training credit) depends on the average number of employees in the company and the amount that both the company and the employees have paid for Vocational Training during the previous year. If you have a company and need to improve the competitiveness of your business , if you have a consultancy or agency and want to expand your range of services , colombia mobile phone numbers database if you are an active worker , contact us!
Bonified training for companies
If you need an e-learning solution , we have different solutions for the implementation of an online training system, with which you will have greater flexibility in terms of hours, greater convenience and compatibility with other activities, among other advantages. See all the information here .
As a consulting firm , we detect and define the training needs and deficiencies of each client to establish the objectives of the training plan, using a series of analysis tools and competency audits that will allow us to define and ensure success in each project. If you want to know what consulting services we offer, click here .
At our company we always make sure that you are informed at all times, that is why we share the most interesting news or new courses that we have available on social networks and we send you newsletters to your email.
To ensure that you are always up to date with the latest news on employment, training and advice to improve your professional career, we have a blog where you can also suggest topics on which you would like us to write a post to provide more information or because you think it is important for other users to be aware of a particular topic.
And always thinking of our students, we have published this new website, where you can register and indicate your favorite topics and so when there are courses that fit your profile and tastes we will inform you without obligation.
Femxa Group grows thanks to you, we grow by helping you grow. We are committed and involved to ensure success in all the tasks we undertake, developing innovative and flexible solutions that guarantee successful learning. Continuous training of people is the best way to successfully adapt to the labour market. That is why we offer you effective training that is geared towards the needs of the market.