As you know, each of your customers was first a prospect who had to be convinced to buy .
How to transform a lead that is not yet mature into a convinced customer?
One word: Lead Nurturing. What is Lead Nurturing?
This involves fueling your prospects' interest in your products and services by implementing a relevant content strategy.
Coupled with a Marketing Automation strategy , Lead Nurturing allows you to boost australia telegram the return on investment of your marketing actions. It is also increasingly popular with small structures – both in BtoC and BtoB – looking for solutions to convert their prospects more easily.
Discover the benefits of Lead Nurturing and how to implement a lead nurturing strategy.
Table of Contents
Lead Nurturing: Definition
The Key Elements of Lead Nurturing
Why do Lead Nurturing?
The majority of your leads are not mature enough to buy
This marketing technique is one of the most profitable for developing sales.
Lead Nurturing and Marketing Automation: Benefits and Steps
Identify the needs of your prospects
Establish a schedule
Choose the scenario trigger
Building your workflow
Evaluate the performance of your scenario and the campaigns that make it up
Exemples de workflows de Lead Nurturing
Lead Nurturing Example #1: Create an automated scenario following a visit to a web page
Example #2: Building an automated workflow following your newsletter subscription
Example #3: Create an automated scenario after downloading premium content
In summary
Lead Nurturing: Definition
Lead Nurturing Definition
Lead Nurturing is about providing your prospects with useful information about your products and your company in the form of content in order to gradually and naturally move them through the sales funnel. The end goal? To mature your leads in order to convert them into customers.
As you know, there are different stages in the customer journey: product discovery, evaluation, decision.
If we translate the term "Lead Nurturing" into French, it means "prospect maturation". The degree of maturity varies depending on the stage of the customer journey . In the discovery phase, the lead is "cold". The further it progresses, the more "hot" it becomes.
But this decision-making process or cycle can be long (especially in BtoB) and a lead can suddenly lose interest in your offer and exit the customer journey before even having purchased.
Thanks to Lead Nurturing, you prevent them from leaving, or at least, you have much less risk of this happening; in fact, regularly offering content to your leads gives you the possibility of maintaining a link, a connection with them.
The goal is to cover them until they make the purchase or repurchase.
Very often automated, Lead Nurturing is an essential marketing lever for generating sales , but also for building loyalty and customer retention : creating a stronger and more personalized relationship with your prospects and customers is one of the advantages of Lead Nurturing.
You will also see that you must nurture and feed your most interesting leads as a priority . Indeed, your prospects are not all as promising as each other: some can be easily transformed into customers, while others will never buy from you. Prioritize your leads to be able to then prioritize your Lead Nurturing actions, this is called Lead Scoring.
The Key Elements of Lead Nurturing
The Key Elements of Lead Nurturing
How to nurture your leads?
Let's draw a parallel with beautiful plants. To properly nourish your prospects and build beautiful , solid and privileged relationships, you need to provide them with quality content, but also relevant content , adapted to their needs and their problems.
It's the same with plants. Some require a lot of water, others less.
You need to know your prospects well to provide them with what they need. Knowing that it is through the content you send them that you will also know what interests them the most.
To do good Lead Nurturing, you need to create content for each stage of the lead nurturing funnel: discovery, evaluation, purchase, loyalty.
Once you have defined the content to send to your prospects/customers at each stage, you will also need to determine the content that will be specific to each of your segments or personas.
This is where segmentation and lead scoring come in, to define which of your leads are the most promising.
To pique the curiosity and interest of your leads, don't hesitate to offer a variety of content. It's this richness that will ultimately pay off.
There are several types of content: hot content, which will be linked to news such as a new event, a product or service launch; and so-called cold content, considered more sustainable and which will therefore be used throughout the year.
The content can be diverse: blog articles, white papers, practical guides, emails, tutorials, webinars, product sheets, infographics, etc.
Why do Lead Nurturing?
Rushing your prospects is not a solution to selling more.
Remember that if you are able to guide your leads through the decision-making process, they will undoubtedly buy from you.
The goal of Lead Nurturing is to be there whenever they need you to help them mature their thinking.
The majority of your leads are not mature enough to buy
Do you think that we can buy a product or subscribe to a service as soon as we discover its existence?
Even if it happens, it is very, very rare… Especially if the product is technical and the offer complex.
The solution to moving your leads forward, convincing them to buy, or reinforcing their purchasing decision essentially lies in your content strategy.
Lead Nurturing and Marketing Automation: How and Why?
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