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Marketing in Times of Crisis: Two Things to Do Right Now

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 9:22 am
by sourovk291
Crises. Life is full of them, especially professional life. And yet, when we encounter them, we panic and don't really know how to react. As a business leader, I know how scary this period can be. However, experience has taught me that opportunity can also be found in a crisis.

Naor Mann, Owner and CEO of Active Trail

To encourage you and help you identify the positive aspects of the situation we find ourselves in, I have decided to write to you, directly. I believe that the current era offers us the opportunity to do two things: strengthen and consolidate our customer relationship and build a smart long-term marketing strategy.

In the next few paragraphs, I’ll explain what steps you need to take now to manage france telegram data this crisis, and then how to take advantage of it. Are you ready? Let’s go.

Step One: Strengthen Your Relationship with Your Customers
Over the next few months, your business – like every other business – will change dramatically. Wait times are longer, various supplies are missing or delayed, and “bricks and mortar businesses” (retail stores, factory production facilities or warehouses – anything offline) are forced to go online.

I think it’s important to remember one thing: your customers want to buy a service or product, but they choose to do so specifically from YOU – thanks to YOUR distinctive business DNA. This is precisely why your relationship with them is vital, and communication becomes essential and must be prioritized.

Fortunately, there are many ways to stay in touch with your customers, whether it's through an SMS campaign (transactional for example with messages about opening hours, logistics, etc.), an email campaign to reassure, with value-added content, or a combination of the two thanks to Marketing Automation .

In these uncertain times, try to create some certainty – at least about what’s happening in your business. Not only will your customers appreciate this, but it will also remind them that you’re still there for them. Remember: your customers aren’t expecting anything right now, so any service you continue to provide is a huge bonus.

Put yourself in your customers’ shoes. Not only is your business struggling right now, but your customers’ businesses are struggling too. Think about how you can help them improve, provide them with something that, even for a very small business, would be helpful during this challenging time.

For example, during this lockdown* period, at ActiveTrail we decided to give all our users 1,000 free SMS messages so that they could quickly share with their customers their measures in the face of the crisis. The feedback has been excellent and we hope that we have really helped, especially small businesses that are the main victims of the crisis.

*This promotion was implemented for a limited period and is no longer valid.

Step Two: Use Your Free Time to Plan Your Marketing Strategy
The free time we all have – without really wanting it – can be a huge opportunity. Use it to rewrite your marketing plan and business strategy.

I suggest you view the situation not as temporary (after all, none of us really know when it will end), but as an opportunity to grow your online business and move your company forward.

Who knows? Maybe you'll discover that it's exactly what you and your customers needed, or that you really enjoy working online?

Either way, now is the perfect time to define your target audiences, refine the dynamic groups you've built in our system, and create advanced segmentation for more targeted content.

For example, remove users who haven’t opened your campaigns in the last six months. You can also create a dynamic group that excludes inactive users like this. This small action will reduce your monthly sending costs and will undoubtedly improve your deliverability rate.

Dynamic groups allow you to communicate in a more relevant way. To do this, you can integrate marketing triggers into your campaigns. For example, if the trigger is present on a link to a page that talks about an online training course on digital transformation, you can tell the system that anyone who clicks on this link will join the “Digital Transformation Target” group. This way, you can send this target additional tools, and thus potentially increase the interest of your contacts for this training course.


Additionally, you can integrate a smart pixel on your site to signal to the system that anyone who visits a specific page automatically joins a given dynamic group. This action can also trigger an automated scenario: the person clicks on a specific link, a few days later an email with a discount coupon on the product in question is s