We're going to keep this 3% conversion rate

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We're going to keep this 3% conversion rate

Post by bhasan01854 »

Once the customer is on the page constant, just for simplicity's sake. But, of course, we know that Chelsea's good work on that product description and user experience on the page could very well bump up that conversion rate too, which is great. But just to keep it simple, we'll leave that conversion rate constant. It still costs $50 to buy this widget.

So now this page is bringing in $1,200 from organic search every month. That is currently armenia phone number database a $450 increase per month over when this page was ranking number three. If we take out the cost of the tool that Chelsea is using, we end up with a profit per month of $270, and that works out to about $3,000 in profits per year. We can run those numbers again and assume that Chelsea is able to get this page to rank number one for this particular SERP, thereby earning it a 22% average click-through rate.

If she can do that, then that much greater increase in organic click-throughs, with that constant conversion rate and the price of the widget, is going to get us an extra $1,600 per month in profits. Again, if we take out the cost of that tool, that is going to come out to $17,000 per year. So now $179 a month for some tool sounds pretty good, right? I know that's a lot of math that I just threw at you.
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