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This meant we needed to focus on

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 4:27 am
by bhasan01854
In short, we made it feel like an event. Graphic showing hummingbird flying in front of desktop monitor with text We got to know our users There are many different types of user: some are ready to buy, some are just doing some window shopping. Knowing what type of person visits your site will help you create something that caters to their needs. We looked at our analytics data and discovered visitors to our site were a bit of both, but tended to be more ready to buy than not.

getting macro-conversions — in other words, make our site geared towards sales — while not overlooking the visitors doing some initial research. For those users, we implemented a blog as a way to azerbaijan phone number database improve our SEO, educate leads, and build up our reputation. User insight can also help you shape the feel of your site. We discovered that the marketing managers we were targeting at the time were predominantly women, and that certain images and colours resonated better among that specific demographic.

We didn’t go for the (obvious pictures of the team or our offices), instead relying on data and the psychology of attraction to delve into the mind of the users. Chromatix website home page showing a bright pink flower and text. Chromatix web page showing orange hummingbird and an orange flower. We improved site speed Sending visitors to good sites with bad speeds erodes trust and sends them running. Multiple studies show that site speed matters when it comes to conversion rates.