Using TweetDeleter for Personal Accounts

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Using TweetDeleter for Personal Accounts

Post by rakibhasan »

If you’re more interested in managing your tweets, TweetDeleter is worth considering. While its primary function is to help you delete tweets, it also lets you search your tweets by date. However, keep in mind that it only works for your profile, so you won’t be able to search for other users’ tweets with this tool.

Limitations of third-party search tools
While third-party tools can be taiyuan number screening very useful, they do have some limitations. Many of these tools no longer work as well as they used to due to Twitter’s API pricing changes. As a result, some features may be limited or require a subscription. Additionally, these tools often can’t access private accounts or deleted tweets, so search results may not always be complete.

While third-party tools can enhance your Twitter search capabilities, always be aware of their limitations and make sure you use them responsibly. They can provide a lot of information, but they are not a magic solution for every search need.

Maximize search accuracy with additional filters
Filtering by user account
When you want to focus on tweets from specific accounts, Twitter's advanced search is your best friend. Simply enter the username of the account you're interested in and you'll see all of its tweets. This is very useful if you're following a specific topic or event. If you're interested in how two accounts interact, you can use the "from:" and "to:" operators. For example, "from:TweetBinder to:fjabrego" shows replies, but adding an "@" also includes mentions.
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