But let's start from the beginning.

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But let's start from the beginning.

Post by nurmohammadkhan »

A South American origin and a composite development
The analysis of the two different Continuous Transaction Control systems also allows us to highlight another very important aspect, namely that the diffusion of this technology is anything but uniform ; indeed, its implementation path is rather “bumpy” and presents significant differences from country to country.

The Continuous Transaction Control system, in reality, is a less “innovative” digital morocco whatsapp resource solution than one might think, since the first examples of its application date back to 2000 (Source: Fintech Direct) and among the first countries to adopt these technologies were mainly those in Latin America, including Chile, Mexico and Brazil.

It is precisely here, in fact, that the first steps towards the implementation of CTC tools have been taken in a more decisive manner, with a very clear aim, that is, to minimize the gap in VAT revenue and to smooth out as much as possible the differences between the expected VAT revenue and that actually collected due to tax fraud, tax evasion, avoidance, errors in declaration and settlement procedures and so on.

Moreover, the VAT gap is a significant problem and is not only widespread in South America: European countries, in fact, must also take it into account since it represents a negative item on the state budget, which weighs particularly heavily in a phase such as the post-pandemic one in which all the economic resources that can be recovered are fundamental.

Precisely for this reason, many European Union states have moved (and are moving) to adopt this type of technology, in order to benefit as soon as possible from all the advantages that Continuous Transaction Control systems ensure.
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