How to prepare for shopping with AI?

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How to prepare for shopping with AI?

Post by shaown »

This search within Google Shopping will first be accompanied by a series of recommendations created by Gemini and then products that could be ideal for the need expressed in the search, with the addition belgium phone number of the reason why that product is recommended .

This is what could come in terms of experience to users who decide to shop with Google's AI. But Scott always remembers that generative artificial intelligence allows you to virtually try what you intend to buy and possibly see the product even with augmented reality . All this influences, or at least should, also the way in which those who sell must present themselves on their site and on aggregators.

So let's try to look at this update from the point of view of those who have to prepare to sell, knowing that the assistants are back and that these assistants are working but not for a single store.

As a user, there is very little you can do. You just have to wait for Google to release the new features and decide whether to use them or ignore them. As producers and online sellers, there is a lot we can talk about. First of all, what AI-generated summaries can do in terms of visibility.

Since by talking to artificial intelligence it is possible to specifically ask for a product suitable for a certain climate, the descriptions of products that could be suitable for that climate must reflect this quality. Gone are the days of generic descriptions where everything is beautiful, everything is elegant or everything is fun.

How to prepare your e-commerce for artificial intelligence
Customers will have a new assistant with Gemini, how can you please them? –
People, guided by AI, want to be able to ask if the furniture they intend to put in the living room was for example actually made of recycled material, if the color is suitable for their living room and so on. So first you have to check that all the scraps of text and every corner where there is information in the form of words on your site give as much input as possible to the possible artificial intelligence.
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