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Phases of the purchasing process

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2025 4:13 am
When a consumer wants to make a purchase, they have the following in mind: solving a problem or fulfilling a need. Currently, there are many products on the market that are only differentiated by the brand and in order for yours to stand out from the rest and, in this way, build a lasting relationship with your new customer, you must offer them the possibility of living a rewarding experience in each of the phases they go through until they make that purchase, that is, during their journey.

We call this process customer journey. The literal translation of the concept customer journey is “ the consumer’s journey ”. What does it have to do with the sales process and what is its relationship with CRM strategy ?

Customer Journey

It refers to the customer's experience throughout the saudi arabia whatsapp resource entire purchasing process: from the discovery of the product or solution to its acquisition. This journey will mark the customer's relationship with the brand and their perception of it.

The customer goes through a series of stages throughout any purchasing process and their experience during each of these phases will be what determines whether the customer ends up buying our product or decides on one from the competition. Therefore, it is essential to take care of all the details and make each of these stages as satisfactory as possible. Do you want to know them? We will tell you about them and, in addition, we will give you some tips so that you can improve your customers' experience .

Phase 1: Discovery or need

This is the stage in which the need to buy arises in the customer. The intention to buy arises from an internal motivation of the consumer or their company, or from an external stimulus, such as an advertisement on television, social networks, a newspaper, a friend's recommendation, an email or the breakdown of a previous product.