Consent is a key word when it comes to the LGPD. Any company that handles personal and sensitive data of customers and/or third parties must follow the rules of the LGPD, and a consent form has the role of offering transparency to the data subject (owner of the data). One of these rules, in general, is to clarify to the data subject the purpose of collecting, storing, and processing their data. That is why the consent form is so important and careful.
Since the LGPD is a relatively new set of rules, many companies france email id database in the process of adapting and entrepreneurs, employees and data subjects still have many questions, especially regarding the consent form. What should be included in the form? How should it be made available to the data subject? What are the data subject's rights? See these topics below.
To begin with: what is the LGPD?
The relationship between LGPD and CRM
Acceptance term x consent term
Data anonymization
User monitoring
To delve deeper into the consent form
The structure of the Consent form
FAQ – Frequently asked questions about LGPD consent form
Do you already know CV CRM?
To begin with: what is the LGPD?
Consent form: a hand in the center pointing to an illustration of a padlock.
The General Data Protection Law is a set of measures that aims to protect personal data from inappropriate use by public or private companies. The LGPD was sanctioned in 2018 and the factor that motivated the sanction was the dissemination and inappropriate treatment of data provided on the internet.
The LGPD ensures rules related to the collection, storage, processing and sharing of this data. The law is applicable to any company that performs any of these actions, under penalties that can reach 2% of the company's annual revenue.
To understand some aspects of the consent form, it is important that you are already familiar with the LGPD. If you still have questions about it, I recommend that you read this ebook: LGPD for the Real Estate Market.
The relationship between LGPD and CRM
A real estate CRM deals directly with personal data, as it collects and uses this data for different purposes. The system contains data related to registrations and leads, such as personal and demographic data, which pages have been accessed on the internet, in some cases sensitive data , and many others.
First of all, a CRM needs to be a secure environment against data leaks and that allows for limited access to sensitive data (which only authorized people can access) . The advantage of having this data in a CRM also concerns security (remembering that the LGPD covers any type of data collection, storage and processing, including offline).
All of these issues need to be clarified to the data subject. The data owner needs to know why their data is being collected, how the company will use it, how it will be stored, and other information such as the possibility of anonymizing or changing the data.
It is important to clarify that I am focusing here on the customer as the owner, but the LGPD applies to anyone who provides their data, such as company employees, suppliers or any other third-party service.
In other words, all holders within the CRM need to have access to:
Acceptance term
Consent form
Data anonymization
User monitoring
Each of these topics also needs to be explicit in the consent form. Therefore, I will address each of them briefly below:
Acceptance term x consent term
Both the consent form and the acceptance form are documents that aim to protect the data subject's data. The acceptance form is the document in which the user of a system (broker, real estate agent or client) signals agreement with the policies of use of that system. Through the consent form, a client authorizes or does not authorize the collection and processing of data.