Every page on a WordPress site has a unique URL (permalink), allowing anyone to
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:12 am
In the previous article, we learned how to install a WordPress site, talked about the WordPress control panel and settings, learned about the types of users (members) and how to manage pages.
Today we will complete the rest of the introductory article about WordPress. But if you haven’t read the previous article, please read it before starting this article.
By accessing this page via a permanent australia phone number for whatsapp address. It is important that these URLs are easy to read and type.
When each page is created, a URL is automatically generated based on the address assigned to it. There is no requirement to comply.
It's automatically generated, and you can customize it to improve readability and SEO.
There are multiple formats for permalinks, and you can choose the default settings by going to Settings > Permalinks.
WordPress site
Some formats are more reader-friendly than others, although any format will get the user to the intended page.
It makes sense to decide which permalink format you want to use at the beginning of your site creation so that
Permalinks are in the correct format. If you change your mind later, you may have multiple updates to make.
Perform it, in each of the URLs.
Editor or articles :
Prior to WordPress 5.0, all editing was done using the Classic Editor, which consisted of:
From a text editor and a selection of formatting buttons, like those used in Microsoft Word.
Using the editor, the content on your page (or post) is created from multiple blocks of different types.
In fact, each piece of content will be a different block, including paragraphs of text.
Blocks are available for all common content elements, including headings, paragraphs, and bulleted lists.
And organized lists, images, and any other type of content you can create with Classic Editor.
Appearances :
A WordPress theme provides all the front-end styling of your site, and controls the design.
What visitors see when they browse your site. Themes take content and data stored by
WordPress and display it in the browser.
Simply put, themes allow users to change the look and functionality of their website without
Change the underlying code or content of the site.
WordPress themes have the ability to provide or define the overall design or style of your site, including:
Writing (font interface, font style, margins and indents, line spacing and more)
Use of colors
Page layouts (also called templates)
Page layouts, blog post styles, and blog archives
Page Layouts and Landing Page Styles
Install and change other functionality such as page builders and custom page types.
Themes are installed and managed in the Appearance » Themes section of the WordPress dashboard.
WordPress comes with a default theme to display the front-end of your website, which is the first theme you see.
When you install a new WordPress. You can then replace it with any other WordPress theme.
The default WordPress theme is used for:
View WordPress features
Allow new installation to work immediately
It can be used as a fallback theme if there is a problem and you want to rule out the theme as the cause.
Acts as a backup theme in case the activated theme is deleted or corrupted in some way.
Serves as a starting point for theme developers.
Serves as a testing platform for plugin developers.
There are several ways to install themes .
When you install a theme through your WordPress dashboard, the theme files are automatically downloaded to your web server.
If you download a theme to your computer, you will find it packed in a single zip file. This zip file contains a folder of files that can be installed manually.
Plugins are basically WordPress extensions, used to control the behavior and features of a site.
WordPress plugins integrate seamlessly with core WordPress making it easy for users to add features to their website without any programming knowledge.
Plugins are installed and managed in the Plugins section of your WordPress dashboard.
WordPress site
The WordPress Plugins Directory is the official home for all plugins and currently contains over 54,800 open source plugins available to everyone.
The directory is searchable, and each plugin includes a description, reviews, installation information, and a change log documenting the plugin's development history.
There are free plugins available independently through plugin developers.
Since the guide has some restrictions and guidelines about spam and abuse of the system, this is an argument in favor of using the free plugins in the repository.
Some third-party applications offer plugins that enable users to seamlessly connect their WordPress site to the application. One example of this is Facebook.
Plugins may also be available that are not in the official directory, but using them brings additional risks in terms of functionality, support, and testing with each new WordPress update.
When you install a plugin through your WordPress dashboard, the plugin files are automatically downloaded to your web server.
If you download a plugin to your computer, you will find it in a single zip file. This zip file contains a folder of files that can be installed manually.
When you receive an update notification about installed WordPress plugins, it will likely provide functional improvements or fixes to address discovered bugs or security vulnerabilities.
If you delay installing such updates, you allow hackers to use the vulnerability to compromise your site.
Lists :
Menus can contain links to pages, posts, categories, custom links, or other types of content, providing a quick and organized way for readers to navigate through your site to find content.
So it's in your best interest to make sure your menus are well organized to improve the user experience.
Implementing a menu will impact your site’s search results, as search engines use bots to crawl your site and discover pages as part of indexing your content. Having a clearly organized menu structure makes it easier for bots to do their job.
Since menus are part of the platform, many themes include pre-defined menus and locations.
Of course, this is just a starting point and you will need to plan the best strategy to improve your site's search engine ranking.
To create a new menu and add items to it go to Appearance then Menus The pages, posts and available options will appear to the right of the menu.
To add a page, post, link, or category to a list: Select the item in the list on the left, and select Add to list.
To remove a menu item: Open the menu item and select Remove.
No changes are saved until you select Save List.
Topics :
A WordPress theme provides all the front-end styling for your WordPress site, and controls the design that visitors see when they browse your site.
Themes take content and data stored by WordPress and display it in the browser.
Simply put, themes allow users to change the look and functionality of their website without changing the underlying code or content of the site.
WordPress themes have the ability to provide or define the overall design or style of your site, including:
Writing (font interface, font style, margins and indents, line spacing and more)
Use of colors
Page layouts, blog post styles, and blog archives
Page Layouts and Landing Page Styles
Additional stylistic details for specific features.
Install and change other functionality such as page builders and custom page types.
Themes are installed and managed in the Appearance section of your WordPress dashboard.
WordPress comes with a default theme to display the front-end of your website, which is the first theme you see on a new WordPress installation. You can then replace it with any other WordPress theme.
WordPress provides an official WordPress themes site where you can check out and download themes that are free and provide a demo of the theme's page display elements.
Additional free themes are available independently through theme designers.
Premium (paid) themes are available from many vendors and marketplaces. Vendors that offer multiple themes may offer a library of themes for one price, as well as on-demand pricing and accessibility.
Multiple themes may be installed on the site, but only one theme can be active at any one time.
You can delete the theme directory via FTP, which will deactivate (and remove) the theme. In this case, the site will automatically move to another theme.
Today we will complete the rest of the introductory article about WordPress. But if you haven’t read the previous article, please read it before starting this article.
By accessing this page via a permanent australia phone number for whatsapp address. It is important that these URLs are easy to read and type.
When each page is created, a URL is automatically generated based on the address assigned to it. There is no requirement to comply.
It's automatically generated, and you can customize it to improve readability and SEO.
There are multiple formats for permalinks, and you can choose the default settings by going to Settings > Permalinks.
WordPress site
Some formats are more reader-friendly than others, although any format will get the user to the intended page.
It makes sense to decide which permalink format you want to use at the beginning of your site creation so that
Permalinks are in the correct format. If you change your mind later, you may have multiple updates to make.
Perform it, in each of the URLs.
Editor or articles :
Prior to WordPress 5.0, all editing was done using the Classic Editor, which consisted of:
From a text editor and a selection of formatting buttons, like those used in Microsoft Word.
Using the editor, the content on your page (or post) is created from multiple blocks of different types.
In fact, each piece of content will be a different block, including paragraphs of text.
Blocks are available for all common content elements, including headings, paragraphs, and bulleted lists.
And organized lists, images, and any other type of content you can create with Classic Editor.
Appearances :
A WordPress theme provides all the front-end styling of your site, and controls the design.
What visitors see when they browse your site. Themes take content and data stored by
WordPress and display it in the browser.
Simply put, themes allow users to change the look and functionality of their website without
Change the underlying code or content of the site.
WordPress themes have the ability to provide or define the overall design or style of your site, including:
Writing (font interface, font style, margins and indents, line spacing and more)
Use of colors
Page layouts (also called templates)
Page layouts, blog post styles, and blog archives
Page Layouts and Landing Page Styles
Install and change other functionality such as page builders and custom page types.
Themes are installed and managed in the Appearance » Themes section of the WordPress dashboard.
WordPress comes with a default theme to display the front-end of your website, which is the first theme you see.
When you install a new WordPress. You can then replace it with any other WordPress theme.
The default WordPress theme is used for:
View WordPress features
Allow new installation to work immediately
It can be used as a fallback theme if there is a problem and you want to rule out the theme as the cause.
Acts as a backup theme in case the activated theme is deleted or corrupted in some way.
Serves as a starting point for theme developers.
Serves as a testing platform for plugin developers.
There are several ways to install themes .
When you install a theme through your WordPress dashboard, the theme files are automatically downloaded to your web server.
If you download a theme to your computer, you will find it packed in a single zip file. This zip file contains a folder of files that can be installed manually.
Plugins are basically WordPress extensions, used to control the behavior and features of a site.
WordPress plugins integrate seamlessly with core WordPress making it easy for users to add features to their website without any programming knowledge.
Plugins are installed and managed in the Plugins section of your WordPress dashboard.
WordPress site
The WordPress Plugins Directory is the official home for all plugins and currently contains over 54,800 open source plugins available to everyone.
The directory is searchable, and each plugin includes a description, reviews, installation information, and a change log documenting the plugin's development history.
There are free plugins available independently through plugin developers.
Since the guide has some restrictions and guidelines about spam and abuse of the system, this is an argument in favor of using the free plugins in the repository.
Some third-party applications offer plugins that enable users to seamlessly connect their WordPress site to the application. One example of this is Facebook.
Plugins may also be available that are not in the official directory, but using them brings additional risks in terms of functionality, support, and testing with each new WordPress update.
When you install a plugin through your WordPress dashboard, the plugin files are automatically downloaded to your web server.
If you download a plugin to your computer, you will find it in a single zip file. This zip file contains a folder of files that can be installed manually.
When you receive an update notification about installed WordPress plugins, it will likely provide functional improvements or fixes to address discovered bugs or security vulnerabilities.
If you delay installing such updates, you allow hackers to use the vulnerability to compromise your site.
Lists :
Menus can contain links to pages, posts, categories, custom links, or other types of content, providing a quick and organized way for readers to navigate through your site to find content.
So it's in your best interest to make sure your menus are well organized to improve the user experience.
Implementing a menu will impact your site’s search results, as search engines use bots to crawl your site and discover pages as part of indexing your content. Having a clearly organized menu structure makes it easier for bots to do their job.
Since menus are part of the platform, many themes include pre-defined menus and locations.
Of course, this is just a starting point and you will need to plan the best strategy to improve your site's search engine ranking.
To create a new menu and add items to it go to Appearance then Menus The pages, posts and available options will appear to the right of the menu.
To add a page, post, link, or category to a list: Select the item in the list on the left, and select Add to list.
To remove a menu item: Open the menu item and select Remove.
No changes are saved until you select Save List.
Topics :
A WordPress theme provides all the front-end styling for your WordPress site, and controls the design that visitors see when they browse your site.
Themes take content and data stored by WordPress and display it in the browser.
Simply put, themes allow users to change the look and functionality of their website without changing the underlying code or content of the site.
WordPress themes have the ability to provide or define the overall design or style of your site, including:
Writing (font interface, font style, margins and indents, line spacing and more)
Use of colors
Page layouts, blog post styles, and blog archives
Page Layouts and Landing Page Styles
Additional stylistic details for specific features.
Install and change other functionality such as page builders and custom page types.
Themes are installed and managed in the Appearance section of your WordPress dashboard.
WordPress comes with a default theme to display the front-end of your website, which is the first theme you see on a new WordPress installation. You can then replace it with any other WordPress theme.
WordPress provides an official WordPress themes site where you can check out and download themes that are free and provide a demo of the theme's page display elements.
Additional free themes are available independently through theme designers.
Premium (paid) themes are available from many vendors and marketplaces. Vendors that offer multiple themes may offer a library of themes for one price, as well as on-demand pricing and accessibility.
Multiple themes may be installed on the site, but only one theme can be active at any one time.
You can delete the theme directory via FTP, which will deactivate (and remove) the theme. In this case, the site will automatically move to another theme.