original list of questions into a list of ten questions that will help you evaluate your resource, both as a finished resource and at the site creation stage . So, let's get started:
1. Is everything on your website simple?
Your resource should not contain unnecessary and i free philippine number for whatsapp rrelevant information (that which does not meet the requests and expectations of users). First of all, this concerns the creation of a landing page . Visitors should see only the text and visual elements that should be there. Any addition only distracts the visitor from the main goal. As a rule, it is precisely for this “general cleaning” that a website redesign is often started .
2. Do you inform visitors about changes in the process of working on the site?
Let us know about changes. For example, you can highlight an icon on the page or show text that the task was completed successfully.
3. Do your visitors understand you?
Use words, phrases, and ideas that are familiar to your target audience. Avoid highly specialized jargon: few people understand it. It is very important not to overestimate your visitors: it is quite possible that not all of them will be able to understand complex formulations and terms.
4. Is your site consistent?
Follow established rules whenever possible and don't leave visitors wondering why different headings on your site mean the same thing.
5. Are you making visitors remember something?
Make the navigation on the site obvious so that visitors do not have to remember a certain sequence of actions each time. Most people are too busy, distracted and not as interested in your web resource as you would like them to be. Do not make them think. A high-quality development of the site structure will help you with this. It is with a clear and understandable structure that the redesign of the site begins.