1. Filter by features:
Use the filtering options available in Google Fonts to refine what is the phone number of philippines your search. You can filter by category (serif, sans-serif, display, etc.), weight, slant, and width. These filters will help you find fonts that fit your specific needs.
2. Preview and compare:
Before making a final decision, it is advisable to preview the selected fonts in your project. Google Fonts provides a preview tool that allows you to see how your text will look with different fonts. Additionally, you can compare multiple fonts side by side to identify which one best suits your requirements.
3. Popularity and Ratings:
Another aspect to consider when choosing a font is its popularity and ratings by other users. The most popular fonts are usually a safe choice, while ratings and reviews can give you additional information about the readability and versatility of a particular font.

4. Font Combinations:
To achieve a cohesive and attractive design, it's important to consider font combinations. Google Fonts allows you to save custom font collections to test out different combinations and make sure they work well together.