Which interactions have led to a purchase?

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Which interactions have led to a purchase?

Post by phonedata »

In this first example, we have analysed which sequences of touchpoint interactions have led to a purchase and have sorted these by the number of resulting purchases. For demonstration purposes, this first image shows the top 100 journeys to illustrate how many different touchpoint combinations there are, and that there are cp number philippines quite significant differences in how relevant the different variants are for the total amount of purchases.

Touchpoint overview
Please note that this and all following graphics are based on fictitious demo data.

Zooming into the top ten journeys, we get a clearer picture about which journeys are most relevant and which are the related touchpoint combinations. In this example, we can see that although a lot of interactions are happening online in advance, the decisive touchpoint where the purchase happens is the store. This emphasises how important it is to connect online and offline channels and that it is difficult to treat customers as pure “online” or “offline” consumers. It also provides a picture about the meaningfulness of individual channels such as the regular email newsletter and customer calls. Note however, that this visualisation only includes the final four interactions before a purchase takes place. There may be significantly more interactions prior to this that influence the buying decision and not every customer will have the same number of interactions before coming to a decision.
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